Spiritual Life

‘Together in Christ we make a difference’

Welcome to the Spirituality section of our school website. The appointment of our school chaplain Victoria Wonnacott is an exciting opportunity to help our pupils and staff to develop their relationship with Christ and each other. This term has been really busy with services in our new chapel, a focus on Ash Wednesday, charity donations for Ukraine and the further development of the Jesuit Pupil Profile.

St Illtyd’s is a Catholic school with RE and spirituality at its core.

The mission of St Illtyd’s is to be a fully inclusive Catholic School where every person is valued and respected for who they are. We aim to educate our pupils in the wholeness of mind, body and spirit through the teachings of Jesus Christ.

St Illtyd’s offers the opportunities to fulfil this through:

• Dedicated RE lessons to develop pupils knowledge and understanding of the Bible and Church teachings
• Daily acts of worship – assembly and form time
• Regular form and year group Mass
• Working with partner primaries and parishes to promote unity and community values
• Develop awareness of the needs of the poor and oppressed
• Offer the opportunities to raise funds for local and international charities

‘Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.’
(Matthew 18:5)


12.09.22 Queen Elizabeth ll & Faith, Church role

20.09.22 Charity: Virtue & School Role

26.0.22 7 Deadly Sins Greed/Compassionate & Loving

3.10.22 7 Deadly sins Pride, Humility & Compassion

10.10.22 Black History Month linked to term virtues

17.10.22 7 Deadly Sins Lust

24.10.22 Feast of All Saints







07.11.22 Remembrance Day/ Feast of St Illtyd

14.11.22 7 Deadly Sins Sloth & Gluttony

21.11.22 7 Deadly Sins Wrath & Envy

28.11.22 Start of Advent/Hope

05.12.22 Advent Peace

12.12.22 Advent Joy

19.12.22 Advent Love






09.01.23 The Epiphany / Pope Benedict XV1 funeral

16.01.23 Eloquent & Truthful

23.01.23 Holocaust Memorial

30.01.23 The Presentation of the Lord

06.02.23 CAFOD

13.02.23 Ash Wednesday/ Valentine/Turkey-Syria





27.02.23 Lent

06.03.23 International Women’s Day

13.02.23 Third Sunday of Lent

20.03.23 Annunciation/ Feast Day

27.03.23 Easter / Holy Week





Digital Learning

At St Illtyd’s Catholic High School we are determined to utilise modern technology to improve pupil’s digital skills and prepare them for the world in the 21st Century.

We encourage the use of digital technology in school and at home. Every pupil has their own email account through Microsoft Office 365 which allows them to download the full office suite through the Welsh Government Hwb.

In addition we use Google Classroom to provide personalised differentiated tasks for each pupil in each class. Pupils are expected to complete home learning tasks on the Google G-suite platform and submit for teacher feedback through Google Classroom.

To access Google Classroom directly click here

To access the Welsh Government Hwb click here

If you have any problems accessing the sites above or require your password resetting please contact [email protected]

Although you are not allowed to use your phone or tablet in school, many of the software we use in school can be accessed on them when you are at home.

Did you know you can install the Google Classroom app on your phone or tablet to get notifications of homework?

Download at the following links

Did you know you can have your school email on your phone or tablet?

Download at the following links

Any problems with these please email [email protected]

Young Carers

A number of pupils at St Illtyd’s are young carers. A Young Carer is a child under 18 who regularly helps to look after a family member or friend who is disabled, ill, has a mental health condition or addiction problem.

Children may engage in:

  • Practical tasks (cooking, housework and shopping)
  • Physical care (lifting or helping someone use the stairs)
  • Personal care (dressing, washing, helping with toilet needs)
  • Managing the family budget (collecting benefits and prescriptions)
  • Managing medication
  • Looking after younger siblings
  • Helping someone communicate

Research suggests there are at least 700,000 young carers in the UK but many do not realise they are a young carer.

We know that young carers may need a little extra support to enjoy and do well at school. We are committed to ensuring that all pupils who are young carers are identified and supported effectively.

We can offer additional pastoral support, small group workshops and access to opportunities outside school. We link up with YMCA Young Carers and Action for Children Young Carers to offer our pupils more support both within school and outside of school.

Our heads of year work to ensure all young carers can enjoy school and make good progress. If you think your child might be a young carer or could be affected by any of the issues we’ve highlighted, please let us know or please contact school on 029 2077 8174.

Any information that is given to us will be treated sensitively and no information will be shared without your knowledge.

Governing Body

The Governing Body of the school is chaired by Mr John Grimes. Foundation Governors are appointed by the Archdiocese of Cardiff to oversee the running of the school. Current members of the Governing Body are:

John Grimes

Foundation - Chair

Maureen Greening


Margaret Hacker


Peter Landers


Martin Price


Fr Alexander Gee


James Harris


Claire McLennan

Local Authority

Justin Evans


Catherine Giles


Lisa Gerson

Local Authority

Joanne Berryman

Teaching Staff

David Brown

Teaching Staff

Charlene Manley

Support Staff

David B Thomas


Anne Cullen



School uniform is compulsory for all pupils. Parents / guardians are required to support the school by ensuring that their child / children attends school every day in accordance with the school’s policy on uniform.

School uniform (blazers, jumpers and ties) should be purchased through our supplier’s online shop – http://www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/illtyds. Other items (shirts, blouses and trousers) can be purchased from anywhere.

We also run a School Uniform recycling scheme, where uniforms are available for pupils to acquire. For more details please contact [email protected]

Key Stage 3

Pupils in Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 & 9) are required to wear the following school uniform:

Green school blazer
White collared shirt
School tie
Either black trousers (no leggings / jeggings or denim / canvas / cargo material
allowed) or a black skirt, which needs to be worn nearer to the knee than not
Black footwear without any logos or colour
A plain coat, preferably warm and waterproof, without any logos
Headscarves for Muslim girls need to be plain black, grey or white

Key Stage 4

Pupils in Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11) are required to wear the following school uniform:

Black school blazer
White collared shirt
School tie
Either black trousers (no leggings / jeggings or denim / canvas / cargo material
allowed) or a black skirt, which needs to be worn nearer to the knee than not
Black footwear without any logos or colour
A plain coat, preferably warm and waterproof, without any logos
Headscarves for Muslim girls need to be plain black, grey or white

Summer Uniform

For the summer term only pupils may wear tailored black shorts, skorts or culottes. *The school blazer and school tie is to be worn but this may be waived at the discretion of the Headteacher dependent on temperatures. Parents will be informed by the school when this is the case.

Pupils’ hair should be neat and tidy. non-natural dyed coloured hair is not allowed as are less traditional hairstyles, such as shaved patterns, tramlines or mohicans.
Headscarves for non-religious reasons are not allowed and any adornments within a pupil’s hair (such as bobbles, clips and/or bows) need to be for the purpose of securing the hair.

The following items are NOT allowed in the school:

Jewellery – apart from a standard watch and one stud in either/both ear lobes

Hooded tops
Denim or leather jackets
Excessive make-up
Baseball caps
Coloured footwear
Extremely long and overly manicured nails

PE Kit

All PE kit is available from YC Sports – 86-90 Crwys Road, Cathays or order online at: www.ycsports.com

● Girls are required to buy a PE T-shirt, shorts or leggings and a hoodie.

● Boys are required to buy a PE T-shirt, rugby jersey, shorts and socks.

Hoodies are optional and are only allowed to be worn during PE lessons.


School transport is arranged by the Local Education Authority.  If you live outside a 3 mile radius from the school you may be entitled to a free bus pass for your child.

Further information is provided on the school transport section of Cardiff Council’s website.

Route 805 is a dedicated school service that serves the Splott and Tremorfa areas of the city. Tickets can be purchased from the driver.

R805 Route Map & Timings

CCTV operates on all services, which is operated and controlled by the appointed contractor. This is currently New Adventure Travel.

If you need a pass or wish to enquire as to whether your child/children are eligible for free school transport go to the council website or call 029 2087 2808​.

If you have any concerns about the service contact the Contractor: New Adventure Travel on, 02920 442 040.


New Adventure Travel School services terms and conditions of travel (002)

Pupil Deprivation Grant


As a school containing pupils eligible for free school meals (eFSM), we receive additional funding per pupil to support the school’s aims of narrowing the gap in attainment between these pupils and those not eligible. This funding is known as the Pupil Development Grant (PDG). This grant is awarded to the school per financial year, so all plans are created on this basis.


SICHS PDG 2024 - 25