Estyn Inspection

The school was last inspected in 2019, please see the full report below

St Illtyd’s Estyn Inspection Report 2019

In response to this inspection Estyn completed a review and their letter explaining is below

Estyn Response Letter

Extra Curricular Activities

At St Illtyd’s pupil’s have the opportunity to take part in numerous extra curricular activities. Here is a selection of photos of some of them.

KS4 Revision Support

GCSE Revision

To help with the process of preparing for exams, the tables below provide links to a range of revision materials including: a walk through each course, clear knowledge organisers, revision support from WJEC and links to past papers.

If you require any further support with revision, please message your subject teacher via ClassCharts.



Language Walk through the course Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​Past Papers
Exam walk through – English Literature English Literature Knowledge Organiser

WJEC English Literature

​Hwb English Literature resources

English Literature Past papers
Exam walk through – English Language English Language Knowledge Organiser WJEC English Language

​Hwb English Language resources
English Language past papers
Welsh ​Exam walk though – Welsh Welsh Knowledge Organiser

WJEC Welsh

​Hwb Welsh Resources

Welsh past papers



Tanio Knowledge Organisers Past Papers past papers

​Subject Walk through the course Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​ Past Papers
Science Tanio Revision Biology Knowledge OrganiserChemistry Knowledge OrganiserPhysics Knowledge Organiser ​WJEC Science Double Award Past Papers


Expressive Arts 

​Subject Walk through the course Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​ Past Papers
​Drama ​Exam and NEA walk through Drama Drama Knowledge Organiser WJEC Drama Drama Past Papers
Music Exam and NEA walk through Music Music Knowledge Organiser WJEC MusicHwb Music Resources Music Past Papers
Performing Arts Pearson course materials X X X


Arts, Design and Technology

​Subject Walk through the course / resources Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​ Past Papers
Art Exam and NEA walk through – Art Art Knowledge Organiser

WJEC Art and Design

Hwb Art Resource

Art past papers
Digital Technology Video resources Digital Technology Organiser WJEC Digital Technology X
​Design Technology Exam walk through – Design Technology Design Technology Knowledge Organiser

WJEC Design Technology

​Hwb Design Technology resources

​Design Technology past papers




Walk through the course

Knowledge Organisers

Revision Support ​

Past Papers


 Exam walk through – Geography

Geography Knowledge Organiser 

WJEC Geography

​ Hwb Geography resources

Geography past papers


 Exam walk through – History

Unit 1 History Knowledge Organiser

Unit 2 History Knowledge Organiser

​Unit 3 History Knowledge Organiser

WJEC History

​ History resources

​History past papers

Religious Education

 Exam walk through – RE

Knowledge Organiser

WJEC Religious Studies

Religious Studies  past papers


Social Sciences 

​Subject Walk through the course Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​ Past Papers
Media Studies Exam walk through – Media Studies Media Studies Knowledge Organiser

WJEC Media Studies

​Hwb Media resources

​Media Studies past papers
Health & Social Care  Exam and NEA walk through – Health and Social Care Health and Social Care Knowledge Organiser

WJEC Health and Social Care

Human Development

Physical, social, emotional and intellectual health

The importance of active participationEarly Intervention and Prevention

​Subject Walk through the course Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​ Past Papers
Business Exam walk through – Business Business Knowledge Organiser

WJEC Business

Hwb Business resources

​Business Studies past papers
​Computer Science Exam walk through – Computer Science Computer Science Knowledge Organiser WJEC Computer Science

​Hwb Computer Science resources
Computer Science past papers
Physical Education
​Subject Walk through the course Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​ Past Papers
PE Exam and NEA walk through – PE PE Knowledge Organiser


​Hwb PE Resources

Minimums Sheet 1
Minimums Sheet 2
Minimums Sheet 3
Minimums Sheet 4
Minimums Sheet 5
Minimums Sheet 6

Physical Education past papers
​Subject Walk through the course Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​ Past Papers
Mathmatics Exam walk through – Maths

Maths Knowledge Organiser – Statistics

Maths Knowledge Organiser – Number

Maths Knowledge Organiser – Geometry and measure

​Maths Knowledge Organiser – Algebra

WJEC Mathematics

​ Hwb Maths Resources

​Mathematics past papers
Welsh Baccalaureate
​Subject Revision Support
Welsh Baccalaureate WJEC Welsh Baccalaureate
Work Related  Education
​Subject Support
​Work Related Education Link to Course
Level 2 Diversity & Equality (NCFE)
​Subject Support
Equality and Diversity Link to Course

A Summary of the New Curriculum

Through interviews, meetings and surveys we have been able to engage with all members of our community to develop a new curriculum, which we are launching this September, 2022.

We have established six areas of learning, (AOLEs), within the school: Expressive Arts, Health and Wellbeing, RE and Humanities, Languages, Literacy and Communication, Mathematics and Numeracy and Science and Technology.

All teaching staff have undertaken reading and research. They have also attended professional learning focused on this new curriculum.

Our whole staff have also agreed a common vision. We have focused on the values that we wish to see in the young people in our care and our role in developing their relationship with God. We have also agreed on a series of commitments which we will do in order to make this happen.

The experiences, knowledge and skills that pupils encounter in the six AOLEs will enable them to realise the four purposes.

The four purposes are attributes that we wish our pupils to leave St Illtyd`s with. We will develop them to be ambitious, capable learners, ethical, informed citizens, enterprising, creative contributors and healthy, confident individuals. Christ will be at the centre of this development as will an emphasis on the gospel values of care, compassion, love and forgiveness.

The curriculum will be broad and balanced and includes learning opportunities within and across all of the areas of learning and experience. It encompasses the concepts in all of the statements of what matters and provides appropriate progression in accord with the principles of progression. It also aligns to the mandatory requirements of teaching Religion, values and ethics, English, Welsh, relationship and sexuality education and the cross curricular skills of literacy, numeracy and digital competence.

The development and learner progression will proceed with the involvement of teachers, pupils and parents. Progression will be assessed throughout the year and will also be reported on, allowing all to see the progress made and what needs to be done to progress even further.

These are underpinned by the mandatory principles of progression which describe what it means for learners to progress. We involve a variety of evidence informed assessment strategies to enable each individual learner to make progress at an appropriate pace. We ensure our processes identify learners who require further support or challenge and provide evidence which informs the next steps in learning for groups and individuals. Our assessment arrangements ensure active engagement between learners and teachers. It is based on ongoing reflection on where a learner is, what their next steps are and what is required to support them in achieving these.

The curriculum itself will also progress and develop like the pupils it serves. Through a process of review, feedback and ongoing revision, (involving all members of the community), the curriculum will evolve and in doing so will enable the school to evolve, to grow, to improve and to allow all to achieve all that they can.