Collective Worship

Collective Worship

There are a number of opportunities for staff and pupils to take part in collective worship within the school. We celebrate worship through; Mass, staff morning reflection, form time resources, class services, pupil retreat and mission days.
The aim of collective worship is to provide an opportunity for pupils and staff to worship God, to consider spiritual and moral issues and to explore their own faith.
We encourage participation and response whether it is through active involvement or through listening and respectfully attending the worship that has been offered.

Advent 2023

Build a dwelling

Centenary Mass - School Chapel

Feast of St Illtyd

Harvest 2022


Our School Chaplain

The appointment of our school chaplain Victoria Wonnacott is an exciting opportunity to help our pupils and staff to develop their relationship with Christ and each other.
“My mission as School Chaplain is to reignite the Catholic Life of St Illtyd’s, bridge the gap between our pupils/staff and the Church and secure our positive presence within our communities.”


Our Chaplaincy

The appointment of our school chaplain Victoria Wonnacott is an exciting opportunity to help our pupils and staff to develop their relationship with Christ and each other. This term has been really busy with services in our new chapel, a focus on Ash Wednesday, charity donations for Ukraine and the further development of the Jesuit Pupil Profile.

Section 50 Inspection


‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself.’
Luke 10:27

When instructing an inspection, the Archbishop is ‘exercising his pastoral function as shepherd of his schools, helping them to live up to the mission of leading all people to love God with all their mind (religious education), with all their heart, soul and strength (collective worship) and love their neighbour as themselves (Catholic life and mission)’
(Handbook: Catholic Schools Inspectorate)



The purpose of an inspection is to report to and advise the Archbishop on the quality of the
• Catholic life and mission of the school
• Religious Education
• Collective Worship
This also stands to inform parents, governors and the wider Catholic community.
Inspectors will:
• Observe RE lessons and acts of worship
• Talk to pupils and staff
• Look at exercise books and assessments
• Analyse data
• Seek the views of parents / carers
The inspection culminates in a written report which will be placed on the school and diocesan websites and will be sent to parents / carers.

If you have any questions / queries regarding a Section 50 inspection please contact Mr Moriarty (Deputy Headteacher) at the school.


Lenten Challenge

St Illtyd’s staff and pupils are taking on the challenge of walking 200km as a school during Lent to raise money for CAFOD. They will be covering the distance during PE Lessons as well as other activities during school time.

Please sponsor us by following the link to our school fundraising page.

The Big Lent Walk

We are taking on the Big Lent Walk! 200km in 40 days throughout Lent. Staff and Pupils willl be working with the PE department for The Big Walk by tracking any walks/runs completed in PE lessons or ou

Year 7 Youth Action Group

January saw the launch of the Youth Action Group for year 7, we had an incredible turnout where 55 pupils showed up to the initial welcome meeting. The 55 students were broken down into 4 groups, each group assigning a President and Vice President. The Youth Action Group (YAG) focuses on 3 key elements; SEE, THINK and DO, turning their concern into action. The group will focus on our school community, the local community, global community and our primary schools. This coming term will see us focus on working with our primary schools in collective worship, workshops and charity work. They will be building up a relationship with the St Vincent De Paul Centre to encourage the already budding partnership the school has with them.

Group 2 of our Youth Action Group – Unity
President: Mason-Lee   Vice President: Hunnie

Year 10 Youth Action Group

Our current year 10 Youth Action Group has been incredibly busy since it formulated back in 2022. They have attended the SVP Community Engagement day where they met and collaborated with other Catholic High Schools in South Wales, it was at this event the group started to build a good relationship with the leaders of the SVP Centre in Ely Bridge. The group ran a successful Candy Cane fundraiser during Advent to raise funds for supplies for two charity workshops filling bags with essentials for the homeless and gift bags for the residents of Quarry Hall Care Home. They have collaborated a number of times with the SVP Centre who invited them to a Christmas Food Hamper workshop where they, along with volunteers from Holy Family Church, filled over 100 trays with food and handwritten Christmas cards for vulnerable families in Cardiff.

This term the year 10 group will be fundraising for the Turkey-Syria CAFOD Appeal by holding a Hunger Lunch in the school hall on 21st March.

Logo Winner from the winter term logo competition

Group 4 of our Youth Action Group – The Guardian Angels

President: Rafia , Vice President: Logan

St Illtyd’s Pupil Profile

St Illtyd’s has adopted the ‘Jesuit Pupil Profile.’ The Profile is a response to the question: ‘What kind of person would you really like to be?’ (Pope Benedict – St Mary’s University, Twickenham. 17th September 2010) The St Illtyd’s Pupil Profile offers a vision of what it is to be a good person and supports the moral and spiritual development of our pupils and staff.

Across the school our pupils have been competing to design a logo that visually embodies each pair of school virtues.

Spiritual Life

‘Together in Christ we make a difference’

Welcome to the Spirituality section of our school website. The appointment of our school chaplain Victoria Wonnacott is an exciting opportunity to help our pupils and staff to develop their relationship with Christ and each other. This term has been really busy with services in our new chapel, a focus on Ash Wednesday, charity donations for Ukraine and the further development of the Jesuit Pupil Profile.

St Illtyd’s is a Catholic school with RE and spirituality at its core.

The mission of St Illtyd’s is to be a fully inclusive Catholic School where every person is valued and respected for who they are. We aim to educate our pupils in the wholeness of mind, body and spirit through the teachings of Jesus Christ.

St Illtyd’s offers the opportunities to fulfil this through:

• Dedicated RE lessons to develop pupils knowledge and understanding of the Bible and Church teachings
• Daily acts of worship – assembly and form time
• Regular form and year group Mass
• Working with partner primaries and parishes to promote unity and community values
• Develop awareness of the needs of the poor and oppressed
• Offer the opportunities to raise funds for local and international charities

‘Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.’
(Matthew 18:5)


12.09.22 Queen Elizabeth ll & Faith, Church role

20.09.22 Charity: Virtue & School Role

26.0.22 7 Deadly Sins Greed/Compassionate & Loving

3.10.22 7 Deadly sins Pride, Humility & Compassion

10.10.22 Black History Month linked to term virtues

17.10.22 7 Deadly Sins Lust

24.10.22 Feast of All Saints







07.11.22 Remembrance Day/ Feast of St Illtyd

14.11.22 7 Deadly Sins Sloth & Gluttony

21.11.22 7 Deadly Sins Wrath & Envy

28.11.22 Start of Advent/Hope

05.12.22 Advent Peace

12.12.22 Advent Joy

19.12.22 Advent Love






09.01.23 The Epiphany / Pope Benedict XV1 funeral

16.01.23 Eloquent & Truthful

23.01.23 Holocaust Memorial

30.01.23 The Presentation of the Lord

06.02.23 CAFOD

13.02.23 Ash Wednesday/ Valentine/Turkey-Syria





27.02.23 Lent

06.03.23 International Women’s Day

13.02.23 Third Sunday of Lent

20.03.23 Annunciation/ Feast Day

27.03.23 Easter / Holy Week


